Category Archives: screen cleaning

How to clean your laptop screen

When cleaning your laptop screen always use very light pressure and always switch to the clean side of the towel. Never use a cleaner with ammonia, alcohol, windex, or anything harsh. Also leave the computer off for at least 10 minutes before cleaning the screen.

I purchased and recommend this product just remember to rinse off the microfiber cloth after each use. Spray the cleaner on the towel not the screen now very lightly and gently wipe off the whole screen in straight lines. Constantly check if the towel is dirty and switch to a clean side.

The cheap way of cleaning your screen is to use a paper towel and water. Have two paper towels ready one that is lightly damp with cool water and one to dry. Make sure it’s a high quality paper towel or there will be lint and can scratch the screen. Wring out the paper towel so that the water does not drip. Now very lightly and gently wipe off the whole screen in straight lines then quickly and gently dry off the screen. Repeat if necessary but with a new set of paper towels. Don’t reuse the paper towel as any dirt left on there will scratch the screen. You can also purchase microfiber cloths to use instead of the paper towels.