We at b4computers are a technology service provider in New York City. We provide onsite computer service for businesses and homes. We gained our experience working for other corporations being eventually promoted to head of the IT department. Our main technician has been working in the field since 1996.
We also provide as needed support for I.T. departments and as a subcontractor for national I.T. service provider companies.
We don’t stock or sell any parts.
Read our blog for articles and tips aimed at the end user not other techs. Many of the articles will purposely be made simple to read and follow but still informative.
Social media links
Google Reviews B4Computers 28 Warren ST New York NY 10007
Yelp Reviews B4Computers 28 Warren ST New York NY 10007
Google reviews B4Computers 408 Myrtle Ave Brooklyn NY 11205
Yelp Reviews B4Computers 408 Myrtle Ave Brooklyn NY 11205
Google reviews B4Computers 407 W 39th ST New York NY 10018
Yelp Reviews B4Computers 407 W39th ST New York NY 10018
If you call and get voicemail please leave your name, phone number and a short description of your problem or use the service request form. Voicemails and service request forms are automatically forwarded to our cell phones for quicker responses. Evening appointments are available to provide service when you come home from work.
For service request you can either call us at 718-675-4069 or use the service request form below. You will hear back from us within 15 minutes.