Author Archives: b4computers

Fix Your Samsung Galaxy S GPS Problem

If you are having problems with your GPS for Samsung Galaxy S and other android phones here are easy steps to fix it. We recommend trying this before using GPS software reset apps.

  1. Remove the battery cover
  2. With a small philips (+) screwdriver tighten the screws that you see. For a Galaxy SIII there are 10 screws for other phones there may be more or less.
  3. Put the battery cover back on and test the GPS

fix gps problem samsung galaxy s3

Verizon supercookie and zombie cookie

supercookie UIDH zombie cookie

Website advertisers can instantly show you ads by tracking where you go and what you search for. For example you Google or read about a sneaker on one website. Then visit another unrelated website there is an ad from Amazon to buy that sneaker. The websites themselves are not actually doing this but the advertising code they insert from Google and other companies are.

In the early days cookies would just track which pages you visited, in what order and how long you stayed on that specific website. Well Verizon and a company called Turn have created a supercookie called Unique Identifier Header (UIDH). They insert a tracking number assigned to you in the programing code of every website you visit without that website knowing about it. To put it simply they track you before you even view the website. You can’t prevent or erase it because it’s happening before it gets to your computer or smartphone. A zombie cookie is a cookie that returns even after you clear cookies from your internet browser.

AT&T used a supercookie but the company says they have stopped using it. Although they did not delete the existing cookie just that they themselves are not using it. Verizon is still using it and is now claiming to create an opt-out system. The opt-out system will still track you but will not show ads directed to you. If you are a Verizon customer you should call and complain or better yet switch to another carrier. Lawmakers have finally noticed this but it has been going on since 2011. Call your senator and complain because if you don’t protect your privacy no one else will. This is not just about Verizon it’s also about all advertising companies either taking advantage of this or developing their own methods.

The following should be performed on each of your internet browsers installed on your computers and mobile devices. Click on each of the links below, wait for it to scan your browser then select choose all companies. You will still see advertisements but not interest based ads. This does not block all participating advertising companies from tracking you. It does help prevent them from directly monetizing on your internet behavior.

Visit the site below to check for the UIDH super cookie.

Windows 10 Features

With the recent press conference by Microsoft to announce Windows 10 features (yes they skipped 9) here are a couple of reasons why you should care. There are over 1.7 million people testing the pre-release version with Microsoft using that data to refine it.

windows 10 start menuProbably the most important feature for non touch enabled desktops and laptops the combined start menu. This provides the convenient single look at your tile updates at the same time as the start menu you are used to. The old start menu has been properly spaced for compatibility with touch enabled devices. All reviews of the new start menu are in favor of this solution. If you are using a non touch enabled computer Windows will automatically load the new / old start menu.

Windows 10 will be a free upgrade for one year for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 users. You can upgrade and keep your programs or start from scratch and have a clean computer. I would apply for the free upgrade license early then perform the upgrade when its convenient for me. If you are upgrading Windows 8 you should install the 8.1 update through the Microsoft store. Here are the Windows 8.1 update instructions.

New Internet Explorer codenamed Project Spartan that is a completely new program versus a new revision of a previous release.

Play Xbox One games on your Windows 10 tablet, laptop and desktop and keep up with your gaming friends when you are away from home.

Integrated voice assistant named Cortana that can provide you with information, set schedules, and directions without you asking for it. Cortana monitors what you are searching for and offers a task for you to approve and sync across all Windows 10 devices.

A new way to handle old style programs and newer universal apps that can be split across the same screen. Universal apps work with all Windows 10 and devices no matter what screen size they are. Directx 12 that provides new features for graphics designers and gamers. OneDrive that can sync files and folders you want across all devices using the same account.



Convert word document to JPG

Did you ever want to create a jpeg (picture file) of a word document to post or share with other people? You can use the snipping tool in Windows Vista, 7 and 8 to do this. The snipping tool can be used for any document on your screen. One great use of this is to create a party invitation in word then create the JPG file and email it to people.

Share your photos not your phone with Xim

Did you ever want to show the photos on your phone with a bunch of people without them crowding around your phone? Download Microsoft’s Xim app, pick the photos you want to share then email them a link. They don’t need the app to participate and link gets deleted automatically after a little while. When everyone is viewing the slideshow and you move to the next photo they will see that same photo. This way you can tell them about a particular photo and when you are ready move on to the next one.



Facebook’s autoplay video feature is destroying cell phone bills

Smartphone users are at risk of maxing out their data plans if they don’t change this default setting in the Facebook app, which otherwise will automatically start streaming videos in the News Feed window.

If you’re an iPhone user, tap your “Settings” button and then scroll down and click “Facebook.” From there, click “Settings,” “Auto-play,” and then choose “Wi-Fi only” or “Off.”

On Android, bring up the Facebook app and go to your account settings. Click “App Settings,” and then choose ‘Auto-play only on Wi-Fi’ or ‘Off.’

Install the Windows 8.1 free update

There is an update for Windows 8 that makes it easier to use with computers that don’t have a touch screen. The update also makes the computer faster and improve stability. The recommended way to perform this update is to first download Windows 8.1 drivers and BIOS update from the manufacturer’s website. The important drivers are video, sound, networking and touchpad drivers. Then install the 8.1 update which takes about 2 hours to complete. You can of course install the update without updating the drivers first. After the update is installed it will ask you to create a Microsoft account using either your current email account or create a new one. You can also skip this but you miss out on some online sync features.

To see if your computer is ready for the update you click on the Microsoft store icon on the start menu. If your computer is ready for the update it will show you the screen below just click download and follow the instructions. If its not there either you have not installed the current windows updates or you already have 8.1 installed. Easiest way to check if you have 8.1 installed is look for the power and search icon on the start screen. We also provide a $100 flat fee service for dropoffs to perform driver updates and install the 8.1 update. For more information on Windows 8.1 can click the link below.