Great multifunction inkjet printer Canon MX922 for $99

Are you looking to replace your inkjet printer then the Canon MX922 is the one for you. I have recommended this printer for several clients and they have been happy with it. The printer retails for $199 but you can find it on sale for $99.

Here are a few of the great features:
Dual sided document feeder
Dual sided printing
WiFi and Ethernet
Apple Airprint and Google print
Network scanning

You can get more info at

Danger of photos tagged with GPS especially for children

Here are some things to know when sharing your photos on facebook, twitter and other websites with your cell phone, camera, tablet and computer. You may have GPS tagging / geotag turned on by default, an application tags them, or you did. A GPS tagged photo not only can it be informative to the reader but can also be used to track you. They can be used to track you instantly or long after the photos were taken. You will inadvertently publish where you live, work and play. This can really be a problem for children where pictures of their home, school and playground are published. This can be from a phone you, your babysitter, relative or friend own. Also when taking vacation photos publish them after you arrive back home. You may think this isn’t a problem now but you never know as life moves forward. So unless you are Anthony Bourdain I think you should be vigilant about disabling this feature.

Here is a news video explaining the situation

Each individual application can have its own settings that can override the camera application so check with their help menu for instructions.

Here are steps to turn off geotagging on your phone. You can also visit for instructions with pictures.

Android 4.2 phones

  1. Start camera application
  2. Hit the Settings button
  3. Scroll down and find the GPS Tag option and turn it off

In older versions, the option may be called “Store Location,” but is it essentially the same process.

BlackBerry 6.0 and 7.0

RIM suggests through the online documentation that disabling geotagging be done on BlackBerry Enterprise Server,  which would work from an admin’s point of view if an agency uses BES. If not, to turn the setting off on an individual BlackBerry  phone:

  1. Open Camera
  2. Set the Location icon to “Disabled”

For some earlier versions, hit the Menu and Option buttons before changing the setting.

iPhone 4 and 5

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select General
  3. Select Location Services
  4. Set Camera to “Off”

For older versions users can’t really turn off geotagging for the camera without disabling it for all applications. But location warnings can be set to go off when an application is using them.

Windows Phone 7 and 8

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Navigate to Applications
  3. Scroll down to Pictures & Camera
  4. Set “include location (GPS) info in Pictures you take” to “Off”

Stronger WiFi with Powerline Networking

Did you ever need to have a stronger WiFI signal in another part of your home or business then this product is for you. I have had success installing it in homes where the customer wanted a better signal on another floor of their home without running additional wires. The way it works is it uses your power outlet as a network wire and creates a second WiFi connection. You can configure the device with the same WiFi name and password. This way when you walk from one end of your space to the other your computer will switch to the stronger signal.

Netgear Model: XWNB5201


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How to clean your laptop screen

When cleaning your laptop screen always use very light pressure and always switch to the clean side of the towel. Never use a cleaner with ammonia, alcohol, windex, or anything harsh. Also leave the computer off for at least 10 minutes before cleaning the screen.

I purchased and recommend this product just remember to rinse off the microfiber cloth after each use. Spray the cleaner on the towel not the screen now very lightly and gently wipe off the whole screen in straight lines. Constantly check if the towel is dirty and switch to a clean side.

The cheap way of cleaning your screen is to use a paper towel and water. Have two paper towels ready one that is lightly damp with cool water and one to dry. Make sure it’s a high quality paper towel or there will be lint and can scratch the screen. Wring out the paper towel so that the water does not drip. Now very lightly and gently wipe off the whole screen in straight lines then quickly and gently dry off the screen. Repeat if necessary but with a new set of paper towels. Don’t reuse the paper towel as any dirt left on there will scratch the screen. You can also purchase microfiber cloths to use instead of the paper towels.

Summer heat equals fried computers

Summer heat is bad for desktops and especially laptops. Here are a couple of things to do to protect your computers.

For desktop / tower computers vacuum the outside vents in the front and the back. If you are feeling adventurous with the computer unplugged open the side panel and vacuum the dust on the bottom of the computer. Be careful to stay away from any wiring and electronics. Raising the tower from the floor by even 2 inches using a few books will reduce the amount of dust the computer sucks in.

For laptops use a laptop cooler they come in two styles usb and outlet powered. I prefer the outlet powered kind so the usb does not get strained and you don’t loose a port.

I thought this one is interesting but I haven’t tested it myself. It comes with a usb hub in the back so you can have all your devices connected. This way when you come back to your desk you only have to connect one cable to your laptop.

Here is a link for all types sorted by reviews.

If you use your laptop on the bed or couch use a simple tray. This will help prevent heat and lint getting into the laptop.

Simple fix for a laptop not turning on

I received a couple of customer calls lately stating that their laptops will not turn on. They shutdown their laptop and put it in their bag. When they get to their office or home it will not turn on. This is usually caused when the laptop is not fully shutdown before placing in the bag. The laptop overheats and gets damaged. Here are instructions on how to solve this.

For PC and Mac with removable battery

1. Take out the battery and disconnect the power cord from the laptop
2. Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds
3. Then connect only the power cord and press the power button. If it turns on then connect the battery and fully charge the battery before removing the power cord.

For PC that you can’t remove the battery

1. If your laptop has an internal non removable battery there is usually a reset pinhole on the bottom of the laptop. You will have to check with the manual or manufacturer for the location of the pinhole.
2. Disconnect the power cord and gently press the reset button with a paperclip for 30 seconds.
3. Then connect the power cord and press the power button.

For Macs that you can’t remove the battery

1. Shut down the computer.
2. Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if its not already connected.
3. On the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time.
4. Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
5. Press the power button to turn on the computer.

Note: The LED on the MagSafe power adapter may change states or temporarily turn off when you reset the SMC.

If this does not work for you call us to diagnose your laptop.

Great free program for all types of zip files

Zip (compressed) files are a way to send multiple files at the same time by combining into one file. This also leaves the original files untouched. There are many types of zip files and 7-zip program opens them all. 7-zip can also create .zip and .7z compressed files. Download the program at select the 64bit if that doesn’t work on your computer then select 32bit version.  Install with the default items selected and open it. From the 7-zip program select ‘Tools” > “options” > “select all” > “ok”. Now in my computer you can right click a zip file and uncompress to a folder of the same name. You can also select (highlight) multiple files > right click one of them > and choose add to zip.