Windows XP protection after April 2014

Here are some simple things to protect your Windows XP computer.


This goes for any computer PC or Mac you have make sure you have only one installed working antivirus program. Open the antivirus program you have now and check the version number is the latest. All antivirus program companies release yearly program version upgrades make sure its the latest one. You can check the current version by visiting their website. If you have Symantec antivirus you can visit their website for an online scan for program updates . Second check to make sure its last definitions update was today. If you don’t want to pay for one then you can install a free one. You first have to uninstall your current one through ‘add or remove programs’ in control panel. You can then install Avast free edition at . There are no perfect antivirus programs that we can recommend but having a single functioning one is better than nothing. For Windows Vista and Windows 7 you can also install Microsoft Security Essentials . For Windows 8 there is a built in one called Windows Defender.

Web Browser

Do not use Internet Explorer instead install Firefox or Chrome and make one of them the default. Uninstall Java through ‘add or remove programs’ in control panel there maybe several of them. Install the latest Adobe Flash for Firefox just make sure to uncheck the optional offer they try to sneak in there. Chrome updates Flash on its own.

Switch to a Limited Account

Open ‘User Accounts’ in control panel and create a new account with ‘Computer Administrator’ rights and a password. You can give it any name like ‘AdminOne’ just so you know that this account is only for use when you want to install programs or make changes to your computer. Then change your current account to a ‘Limited’ account by selecting ‘Change the account type’.

Internet wireless router security issue

There is a wireless router security issue affecting all manufactures. Hackers can take remote control of your router. This can be fixed with a software update downloaded from their website. All you need to know is the model and version number listed on the bottom of the router. The version number follows the model number for example WRT54G v4. Their website will have upgrade instructions or call their support number. You can also call us and we can perform the upgrade. If your router was supplied by your internet provider contact them for more information.

Weekly laptop battery maintenance

Having your laptop plugged in all the time and never using the battery shortens the battery life. To keep the battery functional you need to drain the battery at least once a week to about 10%. Let the computer hibernate by itself then afterwards plug in the charger till its fully charged. Don’t remove the power cable till its fully charged but you can still use the laptop. Simply setup a weekly reminder in your digital calender on a day that is most convenient for you.

When traveling always shutdown or hibernate your computer and remove the battery before placing it in your luggage. If you are going to be away from your laptop for longer than a few days, fully charge and remove the battery from the laptop.

Some laptop manufacturers like Lenovo include a battery maintenance tool in their power management software. Refer to your laptop manufacturers manual for battery maintenance or calibration instructions.

New products with Intel 4th generation CPU

New products coming out with Intel’s 4th generation Core i3, i5 and i7 (code name Haswell). To keep things simple here is what you need to know.

Slightly faster than 3rd generation

Better battery life

Better video performance (Intel Iris Pro graphics 5200, Intel Iris graphics 5100 and Intel HD graphics 5000 / 4600)

More USB 3.0 ports

In the market for a new PC or Mac then wait for the new products. Want to save money look for 3rd generation products to start going on sale.DT_Haswell_i7_FB-640x539


hard drive storage size over the years

Just to give you some idea of how much we can hold on a single drive here are some numbers. Numbers are rounded off.

1GB is 1,000MB
1TB is 1,000,000MB

Picture typical size 3MB
MP3 song typical size 4MB

Desktop hard drive maximum size 4TB
Laptop hard drive maximum size 1TB
SD card maximum size 128GB
micro SD card maximum size 64GB

hard drive size