Category Archives: security

Cryptolocker Ransomware Prevention Program

Cryptolocker ransomeware type of viruses go by the names of FBI virus, CBT locker, cryptowall, crowti, Teslacrypt, nymaim and others. They basically try to get you to give them money so that you can access your computer and files again.

There is a program called CryptoPrevent you can install on your computer to help prevent ransomware type of virus infections. It does not remove the virus on your computer and your computer must currently be free of viruses. First run a virus scan on your computer then download and install the program. When the program opens up select default and click apply. The free version does not update itself so you have to check for updates manually as shown in the picture below. The paid version provides automatic updates.

You can download the program from the company’s website at



Preview and Play Online Videos with Bing

Here is a neat feature for Bing video search feature that Google doesn’t have. On Bing you can search for videos by topic then then preview or play the video without leaving the website. The benefit of this is that you don’t have to wait for the website that actually contains the video to load along with all the ads or viruses. You can also right click the video and select open in new window without your search result page being lost. The new window can sized to fit the video then be moved to another monitor. With multiple video windows playing on a second monitor at the same time this can have many uses.

Try it out at


Verizon supercookie and zombie cookie

supercookie UIDH zombie cookie

Website advertisers can instantly show you ads by tracking where you go and what you search for. For example you Google or read about a sneaker on one website. Then visit another unrelated website there is an ad from Amazon to buy that sneaker. The websites themselves are not actually doing this but the advertising code they insert from Google and other companies are.

In the early days cookies would just track which pages you visited, in what order and how long you stayed on that specific website. Well Verizon and a company called Turn have created a supercookie called Unique Identifier Header (UIDH). They insert a tracking number assigned to you in the programing code of every website you visit without that website knowing about it. To put it simply they track you before you even view the website. You can’t prevent or erase it because it’s happening before it gets to your computer or smartphone. A zombie cookie is a cookie that returns even after you clear cookies from your internet browser.

AT&T used a supercookie but the company says they have stopped using it. Although they did not delete the existing cookie just that they themselves are not using it. Verizon is still using it and is now claiming to create an opt-out system. The opt-out system will still track you but will not show ads directed to you. If you are a Verizon customer you should call and complain or better yet switch to another carrier. Lawmakers have finally noticed this but it has been going on since 2011. Call your senator and complain because if you don’t protect your privacy no one else will. This is not just about Verizon it’s also about all advertising companies either taking advantage of this or developing their own methods.

The following should be performed on each of your internet browsers installed on your computers and mobile devices. Click on each of the links below, wait for it to scan your browser then select choose all companies. You will still see advertisements but not interest based ads. This does not block all participating advertising companies from tracking you. It does help prevent them from directly monetizing on your internet behavior.

Visit the site below to check for the UIDH super cookie.

Facebook’s autoplay video feature is destroying cell phone bills

Smartphone users are at risk of maxing out their data plans if they don’t change this default setting in the Facebook app, which otherwise will automatically start streaming videos in the News Feed window.

If you’re an iPhone user, tap your “Settings” button and then scroll down and click “Facebook.” From there, click “Settings,” “Auto-play,” and then choose “Wi-Fi only” or “Off.”

On Android, bring up the Facebook app and go to your account settings. Click “App Settings,” and then choose ‘Auto-play only on Wi-Fi’ or ‘Off.’

Danger of photos tagged with GPS especially for children

Here are some things to know when sharing your photos on facebook, twitter and other websites with your cell phone, camera, tablet and computer. You may have GPS tagging / geotag turned on by default, an application tags them, or you did. A GPS tagged photo not only can it be informative to the reader but can also be used to track you. They can be used to track you instantly or long after the photos were taken. You will inadvertently publish where you live, work and play. This can really be a problem for children where pictures of their home, school and playground are published. This can be from a phone you, your babysitter, relative or friend own. Also when taking vacation photos publish them after you arrive back home. You may think this isn’t a problem now but you never know as life moves forward. So unless you are Anthony Bourdain I think you should be vigilant about disabling this feature.

Here is a news video explaining the situation

Each individual application can have its own settings that can override the camera application so check with their help menu for instructions.

Here are steps to turn off geotagging on your phone. You can also visit for instructions with pictures.

Android 4.2 phones

  1. Start camera application
  2. Hit the Settings button
  3. Scroll down and find the GPS Tag option and turn it off

In older versions, the option may be called “Store Location,” but is it essentially the same process.

BlackBerry 6.0 and 7.0

RIM suggests through the online documentation that disabling geotagging be done on BlackBerry Enterprise Server,  which would work from an admin’s point of view if an agency uses BES. If not, to turn the setting off on an individual BlackBerry  phone:

  1. Open Camera
  2. Set the Location icon to “Disabled”

For some earlier versions, hit the Menu and Option buttons before changing the setting.

iPhone 4 and 5

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select General
  3. Select Location Services
  4. Set Camera to “Off”

For older versions users can’t really turn off geotagging for the camera without disabling it for all applications. But location warnings can be set to go off when an application is using them.

Windows Phone 7 and 8

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Navigate to Applications
  3. Scroll down to Pictures & Camera
  4. Set “include location (GPS) info in Pictures you take” to “Off”

Windows XP protection after April 2014

Here are some simple things to protect your Windows XP computer.


This goes for any computer PC or Mac you have make sure you have only one installed working antivirus program. Open the antivirus program you have now and check the version number is the latest. All antivirus program companies release yearly program version upgrades make sure its the latest one. You can check the current version by visiting their website. If you have Symantec antivirus you can visit their website for an online scan for program updates . Second check to make sure its last definitions update was today. If you don’t want to pay for one then you can install a free one. You first have to uninstall your current one through ‘add or remove programs’ in control panel. You can then install Avast free edition at . There are no perfect antivirus programs that we can recommend but having a single functioning one is better than nothing. For Windows Vista and Windows 7 you can also install Microsoft Security Essentials . For Windows 8 there is a built in one called Windows Defender.

Web Browser

Do not use Internet Explorer instead install Firefox or Chrome and make one of them the default. Uninstall Java through ‘add or remove programs’ in control panel there maybe several of them. Install the latest Adobe Flash for Firefox just make sure to uncheck the optional offer they try to sneak in there. Chrome updates Flash on its own.

Switch to a Limited Account

Open ‘User Accounts’ in control panel and create a new account with ‘Computer Administrator’ rights and a password. You can give it any name like ‘AdminOne’ just so you know that this account is only for use when you want to install programs or make changes to your computer. Then change your current account to a ‘Limited’ account by selecting ‘Change the account type’.

Internet wireless router security issue

There is a wireless router security issue affecting all manufactures. Hackers can take remote control of your router. This can be fixed with a software update downloaded from their website. All you need to know is the model and version number listed on the bottom of the router. The version number follows the model number for example WRT54G v4. Their website will have upgrade instructions or call their support number. You can also call us and we can perform the upgrade. If your router was supplied by your internet provider contact them for more information.