Category Archives: Windows 8

Windows 7 support ending upgrade to Windows 10

upgrade windows 7 to windows 10On January 14 2020 Microsoft will stop supporting and releasing security updates for Windows 7. Microsoft provided 10 years of support since it was released on October 22, 2009. Windows 7 will still continue to function but with a higher security risk when connected to the internet. Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 8 on January 10 2023.

An Intel Core i3, Core i5 or Core i7 CPU will provide the best performance when you upgrade to Windows 10. Upgrading windows 8 to windows 10 will allow you to take advantage of the new features. You can still upgrade Windows 7 and Windows 8 to Windows 10 for free. But you have to update drivers, bios and uninstall incompatible software on your own. Windows 10 was release on July 29 2015 giving Microsoft time to streamline the upgrade process and keep it running smoothly.

We have been upgrading all of our existing business and home clients to Windows 10 successfully to extend their initial investment. Drop off your computer and we will do all that is necessary to successfully upgrade to Windows 10. For most computers this will be a labor charge of $150. For businesses we can come to you and upgrade all your computers for $90 per hour.  For clients who decide to purchase new computers we can help to transfer data and reinstall programs. Call to schedule an appointment to upgrade to Windows 10.

Install the Windows 8.1 free update

There is an update for Windows 8 that makes it easier to use with computers that don’t have a touch screen. The update also makes the computer faster and improve stability. The recommended way to perform this update is to first download Windows 8.1 drivers and BIOS update from the manufacturer’s website. The important drivers are video, sound, networking and touchpad drivers. Then install the 8.1 update which takes about 2 hours to complete. You can of course install the update without updating the drivers first. After the update is installed it will ask you to create a Microsoft account using either your current email account or create a new one. You can also skip this but you miss out on some online sync features.

To see if your computer is ready for the update you click on the Microsoft store icon on the start menu. If your computer is ready for the update it will show you the screen below just click download and follow the instructions. If its not there either you have not installed the current windows updates or you already have 8.1 installed. Easiest way to check if you have 8.1 installed is look for the power and search icon on the start screen. We also provide a $100 flat fee service for dropoffs to perform driver updates and install the 8.1 update. For more information on Windows 8.1 can click the link below.